The Just Being Team | Just Being Center

The Just Being Team

Skills combined with experience

Sandy Dias Andrade
Sandy Dias Andrade


I very much enjoy bringing together seemingly diverse threads from many domains and weaving it together in a holistic and comprehensive approach to psychotherapy. I like to blend seamlessly the psychological and spiritual. My ongoing personal journey and exploration with Presence, Mindfulness and Wisdom approaches informs me. The exploration of what is `being’ is central to me these days. Just Being is not just an organizational name for me but a desired way of life. Learning is a constant as I engage with myself, clients, students, family, cats and life itself.

Neeti Sachdeva
Neeti Sachdeva

Executive Director

I joined Just Being as a student of Mindfulness based Listening course and felt connected to the welcoming and accepting place that it is. While at work, I love to engage my creative side, 'figure things out', optimize processes and basically get my hands dirty. Before Just Being, I have worked with Teach for India where I enjoyed teaching and connecting with teenagers; designed and facilitated learning spaces for personal growth of young adults. As an aeronautical engineering graduate, I have worked briefly with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd as well.

Harini Raval
Harini Raval

Counselor, Facilitator & Supporting Faculty

To me, each day of life is about building and rebuilding a bridge, to this place within myself that I call home. A place as cosy as a womb and as vast as eternity, embracing me and everyone, as we are, where we are. Building this bridge, finding my way home is not a one-time accomplishment. It is more like a daily prayer, a meditation - sacred, committed, unambitious yet trusting fully.

Often it feels like hard toil, at other times it is as joyful as playing with a child and sometimes as restful as a baby sleeping. Whichever way it is, it isn’t a mundane experience. It takes all of me and sometimes, when the weather is very stormy, it also requires a compassionate other, willing to accompany me, holding hands, walking together.

I have been blessed to experience this connection at various points in my life’s journey, sometimes with family or friends and at other times with the community at Just Being. I feel blessed to be able to extend this connection to others, in my role as a Mindfulness Based Counselor. I am based in Delhi I am currently pursuing the course on Mindfulness & Presence Oriented Psychotherapy at Just Being.

I also work in the area of strengthening leadership in education and child development. My educational background includes a Master’s degree in social work and a doctoral degree in education. My wish is `May all have well-being. May all be home.

Benaiza Shroff
Benaiza Shroff


I am a mindfulness practitioner and have been associated with Just Being Center for almost nine years as a counsellor. I am a graduate from the Indian Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad and the University of Huddersfield, U.K. I started my career in luxury hotels and then took to the skies while working with one of the most prestigious International airlines for almost a decade. Interacting with people from all walks of life, cultures, socio-economic backgrounds and the travel itself , really made me wonder and realize how different we all are and yet how similar at the core.

From being in the skies, there had been a long yearning to be grounded and to slow down and that’s when I chose to transition into Counselling. I have completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Counselling from Tata Institute of Social Sciences. I also have a certificate in Applied Buddhist Psychology and Ethics from Pune University. At the moment, I am in the process of completing an advanced Diploma in Mindfulness and Presence oriented Psychotherapy from Just being Center and Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

I have worked as a school Counsellor and have been actively involved with Connecting Ngo which is primarily a helpline for suicide prevention and AKS NGO, which is a helpline for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

To me, the Just Being Center represents a sanctuary, where one is allowed to just be one’s self and the invitation is to meet ourselves exactly where we are, in this moment. With my clients as well, the intention is to co-create a safe space and meet ourselves exactly where we are and hopefully in that meeting, we feel seen and heard and held and safe enough to explore more about ourselves and to build and nurture the most precious relationship and to come home; to ourselves. Psychology and Spirituality are subjects that are very close to my heart and I feel my approach tends to imbibe the teachings from both fields and also incorporates aspects from other modalities like yoga, movement, art.

Somewhere in today’s pace of life, I feel we have lost this sense of connection, with ourselves, with others, with nature, and our inherent interconnection and interdependence with each other. My aspiration is to be a part of a process, a community, that fosters a deep authentic sense of connection, listening from the heart space with empathy, love and compassion to all sentient beings and to remind ourselves of our true essence; our splendor and wholeness.

Dr. Rucha Sarwate (Ph.D.)
Dr. Rucha Sarwate (Ph.D.)

Counselor, Facilitator & Research Consultant at Just Being

I am a Rehabilitation Council of India (R.C.I.) registered clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. Although I am primarily trained in cognitive behavioural traditions of psychotherapy, I have been developing my own mindfulness practice through training as well as by pursuing the academic research in this area. Being a student of clinical psychology, I strongly believe that the field of psychotherapy has much more to offer than just alleviating the mental health difficulties. As a therapist, I follow more of an eclectic approach in which I offer a compassionate and safe listening space to clients while we work together towards mutually decided goals. I received a Ph.D. degree from Savitribai Phule Pune university and my research primarily focused on the psychological applications of mindfulness, especially with the young population. I completed an M. Phil in medical and social psychology from Central Institute of Psychotherapy in 2013 and have been working in the area of mental health since then. I have completed a post- graduate diploma in Buddhist Psychology and psychotherapy from Pune University, along with the training in ‘Mindfulness Educator Essentials’ from Mindfulschools and Positive Neuroplasticity training by Dr. Rick Hanson. At present, I am receiving training by in Presence-oriented Psychotherapy that is jointly certified by Just Being and Tata Institute of Social Sciences. I have worked in several independent schools and hospitals and I also teach at the M.A. (clinical Psychology) course at Symbiosis college of Arts and commerce.

Ghazala Ansari
Ghazala Ansari

Counselor & Facilitator

I primarily practice a mindfulness and presence-oriented process in my practice with clients, and work with adult audiences. I offer movement and visual art modalities in my sessions, but my current focus is largely within trauma-informed work and attachment work. I’m also a focusing practitioner, and offer one-on-one sessions to clients based on Eugene Gendlin’s focusing modality. My trainings include a Diploma in Counselling (Tata Institute of Social Science), Mindfulness & Presence Oriented Psychotherapy (Just Being), Somatic Experiencing (SETI, ongoing), Certificate in Visual Art in Therapy and Dance Movement Therapy Certificate (Artsphere), Focusing (ongoing), Transactional Analysis (ongoing).

Sarah Mehdi
Sarah Mehdi

Mindfulness Practitioner and Facilitator of Listening Spaces

In the deepest corners of my heart is a longing for a world rooted in empathy, compassion and wisdom. For me, Just Being is an authentic space that mirrors exactly that. I sense that whoever walks in this place does not walk out untouched by kindness. I strongly resonate with Just Being’s work.

I am a Mindfulness Practitioner and offer Deep Listening Spaces at Just Being, along with assisting on one of the training programs here. I was born and brought up in the cozy city of Bhopal (Central India) and hold a bachelor’s degree in commerce and have majored in Philosophy, with a gold medal, both from the University of Delhi. I have completed a one year PG Diploma in “Buddhist Psychology and Psychotherapy” from the University of Pune, and a course in “Mindfulness Based Listening with Embodied Presence” from Just Being Center in affiliation with St. Mira’s College, Pune. I am pursuing a two year PG Diploma in "Mindfulness & Presence Oriented Psychotherapy" jointly offered by Just Being Center & Centre for Lifelong Learning- Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

Holding a keen interest in philosophy, psychology and spirituality, my passion lies in inner exploration and holistic healing modalities, with a deep liking especially for modalities rooted in mindfulness. I am currently a mindfulness based practitioner and offer listening spaces. I also look at art as a medium for catharsis and connection, and love to express myself through writing and singing.

Pooja Adhikari
Pooja Adhikari

Head of Operations, Counselling Services & Programs- Corporate, Education, Social Development Sectors

As a student of the ‘Mindfulness Based Counseling: Listening with Embodied Presence’ course, I instantaneously got drawn into the kind and accepting energy, that the space and the team of ‘Just Being’, offers. The earthy aura of the classroom and my diverse classmates turned into a beloved community “who came together with Mindfulness, Compassion and Wisdom”. In this environment I am deeply connected with the aspect of ‘Wholeness’, that we all have a deep inherent capacity to know, love, connect and no life experience can take that capacity away from us.

My love for social psychology and community fieldwork and my continual interest in the area of mental health, brought me in touch with the Just Being Center. My workspace environment allows me to naturally rope in my organisational skills and my love to work with people. I look into individual, group and corporate counselling services; coordination with regard to online mindfulness circles and workshops; and the daily internal management systems at Just Being.

I have pursued a Masters in Sociology from Savitribai Phule Pune University and a Post Graduate Programme in Business Administration from Indo German Training Centre. With an overall work experience of ten years, I worked as an accredited Sociologist in the area of Environmental Impact Assessment for a renowned consultancy organisation in Kolkata, for seven years.

I love to look out from the Center’s balcony, where the beautiful green trees soothes my vision, where I hear the rustles of the Tibetan flags in the cool breeze and my eyes look up to the slow effortless flight of the eagles. In moments like these, I feel I listen to the words of the universe “when we take something from the ‘Whole’ that too is ‘Whole’”

Priya Prabhakaran
Priya Prabhakaran

Training Coordinator

After pursuing my studies in Business Management and an early career in the retail sector, I began to explore my curiosities in yoga, contact improvisation, and other body-mind movement modalities. I am a certified yoga teacher and teach relaxation techniques for a vaginismus support group program. I also completed a Diploma in Sustainable Living from Bhoomi College, Bangalore. I was part of the Mindfulness-Based Listening course of 2021-22 with Just Being.

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