Offering a seamless blend of the essence of many wisdom traditions and contemporary psychological frameworks for mental health professionals as well as those interested in holding listening spaces for individuals and communities.
Just Being offers mindfulness practice programs. Mindfulness practice is a pathway to presence. Mindfulness training for practitioners help in conducting holistic sessions with mindfulness training. Our in-depth and comprehensive trainings are uniquely designed and delivered by Sandy Dias Andrade. She merges her extensive experience and training in varied Mindfulness, Somatic, Attachment and Presence Oriented Therapeutic Approaches and in Embodied Listening.
Do you find that people naturally gravitate to you seeking solace? Do people tell you how supported they feel by your presence? Do you have a flair for listening? Here is an opportunity to refine this affinity with greater attunement and skill to be of benefit to others. This Course is Jointly Certified by - Just Being Center for Mindfulness and Presence, Pune & St. Mira's College for Girls (Autonomous), Pune.
This approach to psychotherapy brings the depth of mindfulness and presence through a blend of wisdom contemplative practices and contemporary psychological approaches from attachment, somatic (including the subtle energy body), parts work, and trauma resolution. The therapeutic process is an alive, fluid interplay, held gently, integrating body-mind in a moment-to-moment way. This program is offered in collaboration with St. Mira's College for Girls, Pune. It is a 2 year comprehensive training for mental health professionals.
Focusing as a specific method looks at a way of listening to the "felt sense" that emerges in the body-mind and developing an inner relationship from a place of Presence.
'Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an evidence-based group modality to prevent relapse of anxiety and mood disorders. It combines the tools of cognitive therapy with the practice of mindfulness meditation. The non-residential four day training is in line with international standards. It is the first step towards becoming a MBCT Facilitator. This training is recognized as a prerequisite to an international certification as an MBCT Facilitator through the Center for Mindfulness Studies, Toronto, Canada.
जस्ट बीइंग सेण्टर फॉर माइंडफुलनेस एंड प्रेज़ेन्स तथा सेंट मीरा कॉलेज फॉर गर्ल्स (ऑटोनोमस) के द्वारा संचालित, माइंडफुलनेस बेस्ड काउंसलिंग (सजगता और गहराई से सुनने की कला), एक साल का कोर्स हैं| साल के अंत में कोर्स पूरा करने पर आप लोगो के लिए लिसनिंग सेशंस (श्रवण सत्र) या काउंसलिंग उपलब्ध करा सकते हैं। यह सेवाएं आप व्यक्तिगत तौर पर या अपनी संस्था के ज़रिए दे सकते हैं। यह कोर्स उन लोगो के लिए भी उपयुक्त है जो पहले से ही काउंसलिंग क्षेत्र में काम कर रहे हैं। यह एक अनोखा कोर्स है जो माइंडफुलनेस और इनर लिस्निंग (अंतर्मन को सुन पाने) के सिद्धांतों पर आधारित है ।
International trainings in MBSR and MSC
Which are the flagship trainings ?
Our two flagship trainings are a one year accredited Post Graduate Diploma in Mindfulness Based Counseling: Listening with Embodied Presence, in collaboration with St. Mira’s College, Pune and a 2.5 year Advanced Training in Mindfulness & Presence Oriented Psychotherapy - Integrating Compassion & Wisdom: A Non-Dual Approach. Both these part-time courses designed for working professionals are attended by people from all over India and other countries as well.
Who are the trainings for ?
These accredited part-time courses are meant for mental health professionals as well as those interested in holding listening spaces for individuals and communities.
Which are the other trainings apart from Flagship programs?
We also offer international certifications in well researched Mindfulness and Presence modalities such as Focusing and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)